Category: Age of Myths

  • The Chinese Dragon

    Nowadays, not only Chinese people, but also foreigners who know about the culture of China, all of them know the Chinese dragon is the symbol of China. The Chinese dragon is different from the Western dragon, because the Chinese dragon doesn’t have two wings as the dragon, and generally they can throw water, but they…

  • Fantasies of Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese people had many wonderful fantasies. At that time, people were not able to realize the fantastic ideas, but nowadays most of the ideas have come true. “The Records of Gleanings” (拾遗记) is an interesting book which collects many anecdotes from the far remote times to the Western Jin (西晋) Dynasty. This book was…

  • The First Robot Of The World

    Maybe many people have seen science fiction movies. In some of these movies, man-made robots look like real humans and can even have feelings as humans. These kinds of movies are from high-tech imaginations, but the ideas of humanistic robots from these modern filmmakers might seem antiquated. If you have the opportunity to read a…

  • The Love Legend of Zhou Mu-King and Xiwangmu

    In the 10th century BC, Zhou Mu-King (周穆王), the fifth king of the Western Zhou Dynasty, ascended the throne. At that time, the Zhou Kingdom was very eventful. Some states rebelled, and other nations often invaded states of Zhou. The young king decided to revive his kingdom. Zhou Mu-King commanded six armies by himself and…

  • The Myth of Silkworms

    Ancient China was famed for fine silk. The silk was from the threads which were spun by silkworms. Silkworms were originally the special native animals of China. For the most profit, ancient Chinese government prohibited exporting silkworms. In the Silk Road, the Persian monopolized the silk selling to the Western world, so silk was very…

  • Jingwei: The Bird Trying To Fill Up the Sea

    In the mysterious geographic book Shan Hai Jing (山海经), there was a tragic myth. Nyuwa (女娃, not the goddess named 女娲) was the youngest daughter of Yan-Di (炎帝). She was lovely and vivacious, and liked to adventure. Yan-Di was the chief of a tribal alliance, so he was very busy every day and he had…

  • The Goddess Nyuwa Made Humans

    In the Western myth, God made people. God made the male named Adam by clay, and made the female named Eve by a rib of Adam. In the Oriental myth, there was a story that a goddess made people. The goddess was called Nyuwa (女娲). When the sky and the land were separated, the goddess…

  • Hou Yi, the Hero Who Shot Suns, and His Wife Chang’e

    In the remote ancient times, there was the supreme God Di Jun (帝俊) who existed in the Heaven much the same as the Greek God Zeus. Xihe (羲和), the sun-goddess, bore ten suns for Di Jun. Changxi (常羲), the moon-goddess, bore twelve moons for Di Jun. Xihe and her sons lived in the east. Her…

  • Chiyou and Hou Yi: Heroes from the Enemy

    Chiyou was the chief of the Jiuli (九黎) tribal confederacy. The Jiuli tribal confederacy, along with the Sanmiao (三苗) tribal confederacy were strong enemies against the Yan-Huang (炎黄) Tribal Confederacy. The Yan-Huang Tribal Confederacy was formed by a tribal confederacy whose chief was Yan-Di (炎帝) and another tribal confederacy whose chief was Huang-Di (黄帝). Though…