Category: Relations with the World

  • The Great Handclasp: The Han Empire and the Roman Empire

    In the movie “Attila”, Flavius Aetius, the last great Roman general, who defeated “the Scourge of God” Attila, was very proud of his nation. He extolled his motherland and said that, during one thousand years, Rome was the center of the world civilization all along. Zhou Mu-King (周穆王), the fifth king of the Zhou Dynasty…

  • Early Relations between China and Japan

    China and Japan, the two old countries in the East Asia, sometimes were hand-in-hand friends and sometimes were absolutely irreconcilable enemies. In the friendly years, the people from the two nations often agreeably talked about the long history of the two nations’ friendship. In the hostile years, the people from the two nations were often…